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Hilton Hotel Auckland

Address: Princes Wharf Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
Phone:+64 9-978 2000

Princes Wharf Auckland, 1010, New Zealand

Corinium Code of Conduct

The Corinium community is a network of people with a common agenda, cause, and interests, who collaborate by sharing ideas, information, and resources. It is of the utmost importance to Corinium that every person attending one of our events has a positive and rewarding experience. To that end, we invite all sponsors, volunteers, speakers, attendees and vendors,  to help us create a safe, inclusive, and valuable experience for everyone. 

This Code of Conduct sets out the basic rules, standards, and behaviours that the Corinium Team will always act in accordance with, and expects all participants at Corinium events to do the same.

View The Full Corinium Code of Conduct